Friday, March 8, 2013


My first Reddit post went very well! Actually, it went a hundred times better than I could have ever imagined (I know everyone says that, but I'm being serious here!) Thanks so much Redditors! You know who you are!
In case you missed out, my AMAA (Ask Me Almost Anything) can be found here. I have 15 upvotes as of now, and most people that make it to the front page of Reddit have about two thousand or more. So, I still need your help to make my lifelong dream come true (I know this sounds corny, but it's VERY true.) I would greatly appreciate it if you could log in (or create an account) and upvote me.  In the above image is what an upvote (red) looks like. An upvote is pretty much like a "like" on FaceBook. Anyways, if you could do this, I would BE EXTREMELY GRATEFUL. :D

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