Sunday, June 24, 2012

Drawing of a dog walker

Hi! I'm so glad it's summer! I just got out of school last Tuesday. This is my most recent creation:

My favorite dog is the spotted one. He's so cute! I had a garage sale today, but hardly anyone came. I wish more people would comment on my blog. It feels like I'm sharing my story and art and no one really cares enough to post a comment or just say "hi." I think only one person voted on my poll/s, but that's about it (Thanks). Not a single comment since, like, December!!! I'm getting lonely here, you guys!       
So, please, take 2 seconds of your time and just comment, and let me know what's up, because I'm starting to think no one is really reading this blog anymore. Thanks!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Drawings based on rhythmic gymnasts

Here are my drawings/interpretations, and here are the actual pics. The first one is Alina Maksymenko (LOVE HER!!!) and the other is Liubou Charkashyna.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


So sorry, I've been busy! Here's some name art I've been working on:

colored /inked to come soon!