Saturday, December 24, 2011

Ze Ugly Side Of My Ballet Class

Ah, what's better than a 9:30 at night ballet class? Well, my friend, how about a 9:30 ballet class with your teacher holding a needle to your knee and another to your arm threatening to get another needle?
Ah, classic. Yup. This way, we had to balance with our legs over 90 degrees up in the air. If you put your legs down, or lowered your arms, stuck out your butt just the slightest bit, or bent your knee,  guess what happened! Yep. You got poked. And trust me, that wasn't fun at all! Yesterday that's exactly what happened. To visually show you, here's a pic I drew on my whiteboard:

And as if that wasn't enough, she had us stick batteries in our butts and jump while holding them! I don't think I'll touch another battery in my life!

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