Friday, August 5, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


GROSS!!! I ALMOST STEPPED ON A DEAD RAT IN MY BACKYARD!!! Then, my brother picked it up by the tail and I put in in a bucket, and we threw it away...YUCK!!! So anyways, here's my daily picture of a gymnast:

Is that not amazing???

Here is an amazing video of rhythmic gymnastics elements:

Also, if you guys are bored out of your minds like I am, try playing Sudoku. It's actually really fun. And for those of you who aren't allowed to drink soda, put your favorite jam in fizzy water, and BOOM! You have made soda!

Bye for now!
-PuRpLe OsCaR

Monday, August 1, 2011


OH NO!!!!!! I dropped my camera yesterday, and it broke. :( Well, actually, only the battery was damaged, so I just have to get a new one. My dad just put it in the freezer to see if it has some kind of reaction to it. Also, peoples, I need you guys to check out a cool web genius who guesses any famous person you think of. That's right. Just google the "akinator" and click on the website and play. If the website asks you for a username, just type in some gibberish like "khajdsfhdjfshgd" and it will accept it. I have noticed that you peoples have not been voting much in the votes I've posted up. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. Also, since my friend Campbell has begun to post a picture of a fish everyday on her blog (fishydasoup.blogspot.com) that gave me an idea! Everyday, I'll post a picture of a rhythmic gymnast. Enjoy!

A random picture I made on my computer