Sunday, November 18, 2012

Uh Oh......

I'm kind of bored....Why am I bored? Because I'm not going to gymnastics? Why aren't I going? Because I MIGHT have what's called a meniscal cyst. It's like a little ball of fluid in my knee. I had to go to the ER on Friday, but they just took an XRay. I'll probably get an MRI this week. What scares me is that my parents want me to be prepared to quit gymnastics. It's scary that that's even a possibility. What else would I possibly do? Swimming? No way. Soccer? Wouldn't be able to.

On a lighter note, though, I watched Saw! It was great! I saw the first and second one! (Apparently there are 7!) A warning, though: these movies aren't for people who are afraid of gory scenes or blood or who get scared easily. If you're not this kind of person, I highly recommend watching it! I'd give it 4.5 stars out of 5. That's pretty good, right?

New nails, by the way!!!

Friday, November 9, 2012


Remember that extensive, challenging project I told you about in my last post? Well, it's done and over with! I am writing this in my school library, since I wasn't needed in my TA elective....

I think I'm getting some weird looks.....
Anyways, I made this mask in my art class: paper mached it and painted it. In case you can't tell, those are leaves on my forehead. 
It's so nice to get hand out on the computer in the library instead of being a TA....
On another note, I really want to watch the movie Saw but will only do it with a friend. Anyone watched it? Please comment and tell me what you thought of it.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Work, work, work

I have this wonderful history project due tomorrow. It can be on any topic, so of course mine is on rhythmic gymnastics!! To give you an idea of how strenuous this project is, here's a list of just some of the things I have to do:
  • Preface
  • Outline
  • 40 ID terms
  • Book report (3-4 Pages)
  • Periodical Report (2-3 Pages)
  • 30 Test questions
  • 5 Essay questions, and answer one
  • Villanelle
  • Extras
I've done most of this (whew!). But because of this project, I had to miss the first ever competition at my gym! Trust me, if I had a choice, I would be out there on the carpet, in my leotard, throwing my clubs around. But to cheer myself up, I painted my nails. Here's a picture:

Off to work! :)